大導演 勞勃 阿特曼

在美國時間 禮拜一晚間過世



"I've always said that making a film is like making a sand castle at the beach.
You invite your friends and you get them down there, and you say you build
this beautiful structure, several of you. Then you sit back and watch the tide
come in. Have a drink, watch the tide come in, and the ocean just takes it
away. And that sand castle remains in your mind."

"Ten years ago, 11 years ago, I had a heart transplant. A total heart
transplant. I got the heart of I think a young woman who is about in her late
30's. And so by that kind of calculation, you may be giving me this award, too
early. Because I think I've got about 40 years left on it. And I intend to use

那些曾經遺留下來的影像,也會如沙灘上的碉堡 永遠存在影迷的心中

Robert Altman 重要作品年表:


(McCabe and Mrs. Miller) 1971

(The Long Goodbye)1973

(Thieves Like Us) 1974

(Nashville) 1975

(Buffalo Bill and the Indians)1976

(Three women)1977

(Popeye) 1980

(Secret Honor) 1984

(Tanner'88) 1988

(The Player) 1992

(Short Cuts) 1993

(Cookie's Fortune) 1999

(Gosford Park)2001


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